Source code for skippa.pipeline

Defining a Skippa pipeline

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from skippa import Skippa, columns
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

>>> X = pd.DataFrame({
>>>     'q': [2, 3, 4],
>>>     'x': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
>>>     'y': [1, 16, 1000],
>>>     'z': [0.4, None, 8.7]
>>> })
>>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1])

>>> pipe = (
>>>     Skippa()
>>>         .impute(columns(dtype_include='number'), strategy='median')
>>>         .scale(columns(dtype_include='number'), type='standard')
>>>         .onehot(columns(['x']))
>>>         .select(columns(['y', 'z']) + columns(pattern='x_*'))
>>>         .model(LogisticRegression())
>>> )

>>>, y=y)
>>> predictions = pipe.predict_proba(X)

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Optional, Union, List, Dict, Callable, Tuple, Type
from pathlib import Path

import dill
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin, ClassifierMixin, ClusterMixin
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError

from skippa.profile import DataProfile
from skippa.transformers import (
from skippa.transformers.sklearn import (
from skippa.transformers.custom import (

PathType = Union[Path, str]

[docs]class SkippaPipeline(Pipeline): """Extension of sklearn's Pipeline object. While the Skippa class is for creating pipelines, it is not a pipeline itself. Only after adding a model estimator step, or by calling `.build` explicitly, is a SkippaPipeline created. This is basically an sklearn Pipeline with some added methods. """ def __init__(self, steps, *, memory=None, verbose=False): """SkippaPipeline is generally initialised by a Skippa object, not by the user. Args: steps (List[Tuple]): the pipeline steps memory ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. verbose (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. """ self._is_fitted = False self._profile = None super().__init__(steps, memory=memory, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def save(self, file_path: PathType) -> None: with open(Path(file_path).as_posix(), 'wb') as f: f.write(dill.dumps(self))
[docs] def get_model(self) -> BaseEstimator: """Get the model estimator part of the pipeline. So that you can access info like coefficients e.d. Returns: BaseEstimator: fitted model """ return self.steps[-1][1]
def _create_data_profile(self, X, y) -> None: assert isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame), f"A Skippa Pipeline can only be fitted on a pandas DataFrame, not a {type(X)}" self._profile = DataProfile(X, y)
[docs] def get_data_profile(self) -> DataProfile: """The DataProfile is used in the Gradio app. The profile contains information on column names, their dtypes and value ranges. Raises: NotFittedError: If pipeline has not been fitted there is no data profile yet. Returns: DataProfile: Simple object containing necessary info """ if not self._is_fitted: raise NotFittedError('The Pipeline needs to be fitted on data, before a data profile is available.') assert isinstance(self._profile, DataProfile) return self._profile
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs) -> SkippaPipeline: """Inspect input data before fitting the pipeline.""" self._create_data_profile(X, y) super().fit(X, y, **kwargs) self._is_fitted = True return self
[docs] def test(self, X, up_to_step: int = -1) -> pd.DataFrame: """Test what happens to data in a pipeline. This allows you to execute the pipeline up & until the last step before modeling (or any other step) and get the resulting data. Args: X (_type_): _description_ up_to_step (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to -1. Returns: pd.DataFrame: _description_ """ new_pipe = SkippaPipeline(steps=self.steps[:up_to_step]) return new_pipe.fit_transform(X)
[docs] def create_gradio_app(self, **kwargs): """Create a Gradio app for model inspection. Arguments: **kwargs: kwargs received by Gradio's `Interface()` initialisation Returns: gr.Interface: Gradio Interface object -> call .launch to start the app """ from import GradioApp # don't import until used, since it's an optional install! return GradioApp(self).build(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_pipeline_params(self, params: Dict) -> Dict: """Translate model param grid to Pipeline param grid. For GridSearch over a Pipeline, you need to sdupply a param grid in the form of { <stepname>__<paramname>: values } Since it's non-trivial to find the name of the model/estimator step in the Pipeline, this auto detects it and return a new param grid in the right format. Args: params (Dict): param grid with parameter names containing only the model parameter Returns: Dict: param grid with parameter names relating to both the pipeline step and the model parameter """ step_names = list(self.named_steps.keys()) model_step_name = step_names[-1] pipeline_params = { f'{model_step_name}__{param}': value for param, value in params.items() } return pipeline_params
[docs]class Skippa: """Skippa pipeline class A Skippa pipeline can be extended by piping transformation commands. Only a number of implemented transformations is supported. Although these transformations use existing scikit-learn transformations, each one reqwuires a specific wrapper that implements the pandas dataframe support """ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Create a new Skippa. Arguments passed here will be used as arguments for the sklearn Pipeline """ self.pipeline_steps = [] self._step_idx: int = 0 self._pipeline_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def build(self, **kwargs) -> SkippaPipeline: """Build into a scikit-learn Pipeline Returns: Pipeline: An sklearn Pipeline that supports .fit, .transform """ return SkippaPipeline(steps=self.pipeline_steps, **kwargs)
def _step(self, name: str, transformer: Transformation) -> None: """Add a transformation step to the pipeline Args: name (str): just a descriptive text transformer (Transformation): A Skippa-extension of an sklearn transformer """ name = f'{name}_{self._step_idx}' self._step_idx += 1 self.pipeline_steps.append((name, transformer))
[docs] @staticmethod def load_pipeline(path: PathType) -> SkippaPipeline: """Load a previously saved pipeline N.B. dill is used for (de)serialization, because joblib/pickle doesn't support things like lambda functions. Args: path (PathLike): pathname, either string or pathlib.Path Returns: SkippaPipeline: an extended sklearn Pipeline """ with open(Path(path).as_posix(), 'rb') as f: pipe = dill.load(f) if isinstance(pipe, Skippa): raise TypeError( "You're using the .load_pipeline method for a Skippa." "Use .load for a saved Skippa" "Use .load_pipeline for a saved Pipeline" ) if not isinstance(pipe, SkippaPipeline): raise TypeError(f'This object is not a Skippa, but a {type(pipe)}') return pipe
[docs] @staticmethod def load(path: PathType) -> Skippa: """Load a previously saved skippa N.B. dill is used for (de)serialization, because joblib/pickle doesn't support things like lambda functions. Args: path (PathLike): pathamae, either string or pathlib.Path Returns: Pipeline: an sklearn Pipeline """ with open(Path(path).as_posix(), 'rb') as f: pipe = dill.load(f) if isinstance(pipe, SkippaPipeline): raise TypeError( "You're using the .load method for a Pipeline." "Use .load for a saved Skippa" "Use .load_pipeline for a saved Pipeline" ) if not isinstance(pipe, Skippa): raise TypeError(f'This object is not a Skippa, but a {type(pipe)}') return pipe
[docs] def save(self, file_path: PathType) -> None: """Save to disk using dill""" Path(file_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(Path(file_path).as_posix(), 'wb') as f: dill.dump(self, f, recurse=True)
[docs] def cast(self, cols: ColumnSelector, dtype: Any) -> Skippa: """Cast column to another data type. Args: cols (ColumnSelector): [description] **kwargs: arguments for the actual transformer Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('cast', SkippaCaster(cols=cols, dtype=dtype)) return self
[docs] def astype(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Alias for .cast""" return self.cast(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def as_type(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Alias for .cast""" return self.cast(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def impute(self, cols: ColumnSelector, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Skippa wrapper around sklearn's SimpleImputer Args: cols (ColumnSelector): [description] Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('impute', SkippaSimpleImputer(cols=cols, **kwargs)) return self
[docs] def fillna(self, cols: ColumnSelector, value: Any) -> Skippa: """Alias/shortcut for impute with constant value (after pandas' .fillna). This implementation doesn't use pandas.DataFrame.fillna(), but sklearn's SimpleImputer Args: cols (ColumnSelector): _description_ Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('impute', SkippaSimpleImputer(cols=cols, strategy='constant', fill_value=value)) return self
[docs] def scale(self, cols: ColumnSelector, type: str = 'standard', **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Skippa wrapper around sklearn's StandardScaler / MinMaxScaler Args: cols (ColumnSelector): [description] type (str, optional): One of ['standard', 'minmax']. Defaults to 'standard'. Raises: ValueError: if an unknown/unsupported scaler type is passed Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ if type == 'standard': transformation = SkippaStandardScaler(cols=cols, **kwargs) elif type == 'minmax': transformation = SkippaMinMaxScaler(cols=cols, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid scaler type "{type}". Choose standard or minmax.') self._step(f'scale_{type}', transformation) return self
[docs] def encode_date(self, cols: ColumnSelector, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """A date cannot be used unless you encode it into features. This encoder creates new features out of the year, month, day etc. Args: cols ([type]): [description] **kwargs: optional keywords like <datepart>=True/False, indicating whether to use dt.<datepart> as a new feature Returns: Skippa: [description] """ self._step('date-encode', SkippaDateEncoder(cols=cols, **kwargs)) return self
[docs] def onehot(self, cols: ColumnSelector, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Skippa wrapper around sklearn's OneHotEncoder Args: cols (ColumnSelector): columns specification **kwargs: optional kwargs for OneHotEncoder (although 'sparse' will always be set to False) Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ if cols is None: cols = columns(dtype_include='category') self._step('onehot', SkippaOneHotEncoder(cols=cols, **kwargs)) return self
[docs] def label_encode(self, cols: ColumnSelector, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Wrapper around sklearn's LabelEncoder Args: cols (ColumnSelector): columns specification **kwargs: optional kwargs for LabelEncoder Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('label_encode', SkippaLabelEncoder(cols=cols, **kwargs)) return self
[docs] def ordinal_encode(self, cols: ColumnSelector, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Wrapper around sklearn's OrdinalEncoder Args: cols (ColumnSelector): columns specification **kwargs: optional kwargs for OrdinalEncoder Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('label_encode', SkippaOrdinalEncoder(cols=cols, **kwargs)) return self
[docs] def rename(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Rename certain columns. Two ways to use this: - a dict which defines a mapping {existing_col: new_col} - a column selector and a renaming function (e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c'], lambda c: f'new_{c}') It adds an XRenamer step, which wraps around pandas.rename Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ if len(args) == 2: cols_to_rename = columns(args[0]) renamer = args[1] assert isinstance(renamer, Callable), 'new names should be a function' mapping = (cols_to_rename, renamer) elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): mapping = args[0] else: mapping = kwargs self._step('rename', SkippaRenamer(mapping=mapping)) return self
[docs] def select(self, cols: ColumnSelector) -> Skippa: """Apply a column selection Args: cols (ColumnSelector): [description] Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('select', SkippaSelector(cols)) return self
[docs] def assign(self, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Create new columns based on data in existing columns This is a wrapper around pandas' .assign method and uses the same syntax. Arguments: **kwargs: keyword args denoting new_column=assignment_function pairs Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('assign', SkippaAssigner(**kwargs)) return self
[docs] def apply(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Apply a function to the dataframe. This is a wrapper around pandas' .apply method and uses the same syntax. Arguments: *args: first arg should be the funciton to apply **kwargs: e.g. axis to apply function on Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('apply', SkippaApplier(*args, **kwargs)) return self
[docs] def pca(self, cols: ColumnSelector, **kwargs) -> Skippa: """Wrapper around sklearn.decomposition.PCA Args: cols (ColumnSelector): columns expression kwargs: any kwargs to be used by PCA's __init__ Returns: Skippa: just return itself again (so we can use piping) """ self._step('pca', SkippaPCA(cols=cols, **kwargs)) return self
[docs] def model(self, model: BaseEstimator) -> SkippaPipeline: """Add a model estimator. A model estimator is always the last step in the pipeline! Therefore this doesn't return the Skippa object (self) but calls the .build method to return the pipeline. Args: model (BaseEstimator): An sklearn estimator Returns: SkippaPipeline: a built pipeline """ expected = [RegressorMixin, ClassifierMixin, ClusterMixin] assert any([isinstance(model, cls) for cls in expected]), 'Model should be an sklearn model' self._step('model', model) return**self._pipeline_kwargs)
def __add__(self, pipe: Skippa) -> Skippa: """Append two Skippas. Q: So when does this make sense? A: If you have defined a standard Skippa with transformations you want to do most of the time (e.g. imputation, scaling, whatever) you can define standard skippas and reuse them by adding them to you custom skippa Args: pipe: Skippa: [description] Returns: Skippa: [description] """ self.pipeline_steps.extend(pipe.pipeline_steps) return self
[docs] def append(self, pipe: Skippa) -> Skippa: """Just an alias for adding""" return self.__add__(pipe)
[docs] def concat(self, pipe: Skippa) -> Skippa: """Concatenate output of this pipeline to another. Where adding/appending extends the pipeline, concat keeps parallel pipelines and concatenates their outcomes. Args: pipe (Skippa): [description] Returns: Skippa: [description] """ new_pipe = Skippa() new_pipe._step( 'concat', SkippaConcat( left=('part1',, right=('part2', ) ) return new_pipe